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Greer Days

Greer Days: June 20 & 21, 2025
Vendor Registration

STEP 2 - TERM AND CONDITIONS All applicants are required to read and agree to the terms and conditions below. Signing this application verifies that you have read and agree with the terms and conditions as set forth here. Sign both this application and the Release and Indemnity Agreement and submit no later than Tuesday, June 6, 2023, along with your payment. In the event that more than one vendor selling the same products applies for Greer Days, the earliest application will be considered first. Priority also goes to the vendor with the longest association with Greer Days. Payment will secure your booth. Acceptance will be announced as soon as possible. Vendors are located at the Greer Community Center at 74 Main Street. We provide space but no furnishings of any kind. Vendors must keep all products, display items and booth materials inside their assigned booth space. Almost all activities are within walking distance of the Community Center. Food vendors must display their Apache County food licenses. Please apply for your food permit as early as possible to avoid delays. Vendor set-up will begin on Thursday, June 6, 2023 at 10 AM. Volunteers will be available to direct you to your location and assist as much as possible. Hours of operation are Friday, June 7, from 10 AM to 4 PM and Saturday, June 8, from 9 AM to 4 PM. The Old-Fashioned Main Street Parade will begin at 10 AM on Saturday, so arrive early that morning to avoid closure of the street. The street will likely close to traffic around 9 AM. GCA will provide a security guard from the hours of 7 PM to 7AM Friday night/Saturday morning. The Greer Community Center will be locked at night for security. The Greer Civic Association is not responsible for loss or damage incurred to persons or property while you are in Greer for Greer Days. There will be no % of sales required to be paid to the Greer Civic Association. Vendors are individually responsible for any sales tax reporting or payments as GCA will not be held responsible for sales tax. You must sign the separate Release and Indemnity Agreement in order to occupy your space and be a vendor for Greer Days. If your booth is a trailer, please let us know in advance so that your space can be selected with that in mind. No parking of any vehicle behind the booths after hours and no sleeping at the booth site. Hook-ups and utilities are not available at the booth sites. Greer offers many choices of lodges, cabins, rooms, and campsites to stay. You may also find lodging in Springerville-Eagar, about a half hour drive away. No open fires, as June is a high-fire season in the mountains. Please check the fire danger sign as you enter the Greer area for the latest on fire conditions. Weather conditions are unpredictable, ranging from a beautiful, warm sunny day, clouds, rain and/or wind. Ice is available for purchase at the Lazy Trout general store. Water is available at the restroom faucets of the Greer Community Center. Unacceptable behavior and failure to follow rules may result in loss of current space and closure of the vendor location as well as future space and all fees. No alcohol or illegal drugs are permitted at the show. Signing this application verifies that you have read and agree with the terms and conditions as set forth on this application.
Clear Signature
“Applicant” agrees to indemnify and hold the Greer Civic Association of Greer, Ariz., hereinafter GCA, and its individual members and the Jay and Vanessa Sargent Family Trust and its individual members harmless for any and all claims or lawsuits including but not limited to personal injuries, wrongful death or property damage arising from the acts or omissions of Applicant, which is related to Applicant’s sale of products or services or Applicant’s booth or exhibit area at the Greer Days event. Applicant may at its discretion purchase liability insurance, which would provide coverage for the acts or omissions of Applicant, or for Applicant’s activities at Greer Days. Applicant understands that it shall be corporately and/or individually responsible for holding GCA harmless and for defending any lawsuits or claims. Applicant’s indemnification of GCA shall include all of the costs of defense including attorney fees, expert witness travel, food and lodging expenses related to the defense and other costs actually incurred by GCA in defending such claims and lawsuits. In the event that Applicant has liability insurance, Applicant agrees to add GCA and its individual members as an additional named insured for this event only. Applicant acknowledges that it is an independent contractor and is solely responsible for the payment of all taxes, workman’s compensation benefits and other taxes, fees, etc., relating to Applicants’ sale of products and services. Further, Applicant agrees that it will abide by all federal, state and local laws and ordinances related to its use of the booth or exhibit area during Greer Days. Applicant further states it will defend and hold GCA and its individual members harmless for any violation of law relating to Applicant’s activities or Applicant’s use of the booth or exhibit area. Further, GCA provides insurance which covers its responsibilities for the Greer Days event. In the event that Applicant is a corporation, both the president and another officer must sign.
Clear Signature
Clear Signature

NOTE: This form will open a window where you can pay with your PayPal account or Checkout As A Guest & pay with your Credit Card.

For more information, contact Patrick Lytle at:
